Artis Indonesia Telanjang

Wide-screen film, 'Gara-Gara Bola', which released some time ago, immediately bring the name Laura Basuki series actress in a brave new beradegan challenging. Known, the film is garapan Nia Dinata, Laura would be charged for intimate smooch with opponents play, Herjunot Ali. As a newcomer, the scene is the extraordinary courage. Moreover, this film was the first in berakting. Fortunately, it is Laura be the first time since receiving the script. To overcome this, Laura has a special strategy. He, for example, should familiarize themselves with the adjacent main opponent. This stiff enough to help Laura melt tension. "Alhamdulillah, I got the main opponent is far more experienced, such as, Junot and Wingky. They were very friendly and does not hesitate to give feedback to me. This is clearly very prominent role to help akuketika coincidence that the same name, "said Laura mengantongi who has the permission of both parents to do the scene is. Despite beradegan like" hot, "Laura confessed very own selective in a bid to receive, in addition to the story flows, the role will be played will also dipertimbangkannya. It also applies in the world of sinetron. Indeed, many of which says sinetron stripping can easily push up the popularity of new artists. However, for Laura, the story and the characters interesting figure that remains the main consideration in receiving a bid. Before reaching to the film world, laura first working model in the world. This problem, Laura have stories. At the time, because you want to fill the leisure time positf, Laura and friends to register in the school model QQ Modeling. For two weeks, quite a lot that he acquired. After the holiday is finished, Laura returned to school, but not long after, he contacted one of the staff who mengajaknya Modeling QQ model disebuah into the clothing. Of course, Laura does not directly accept the bid, as the eldest child of two brothers, Laura must discuss all sesuatunya with the mama. Mama Fortunately the very support it, because he mengganggap that this adah great opportunity for puterinya, ever since the Fashion Show that, Laura prompted many to be the star video clips and a few stars ads. Catwalk Model modeling some clothes, some magazines Model youth and women's capital, Model Video clips group and band Nidji The Titans Sinzhui, Clean & Clear, Coca-Cola

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